Friday, March 29, 2013

Saltwater Sunscreen and Sweet Goodbyes

Sam & Veronica are the bloggers tonight
Well folks, we did it! After 17 snorkels, more than 10 boat rides, and countless activities we all made it out alive and not harmed (besides the sunburn). We are all realizing that this fantastic journey is coming to an end and as we sit here packing, reality is setting in that we will be in the snow soon.
            Today we started the morning off like every other with breakfast, then we headed to a lecture about mangroves. Right after we learned about the mangroves we got on our boat, Sabrina, and headed off to mangroves in a snorkel area called Man-of-War Bight. In the mangroves and the surrounding areas, including blue harbor back reef. When we were there we saw and collected various organisims such as, queen conch, giant pin cushion starfish, crabs, urchins, and lots of little shrimp. The visibility at the dive was crystal clear and it was a postcard moment. We reluctantly got back on the boat and headed back to lunch served by our favorite waiter Clinton and had cheeseburgers in paradise!
            After lunch half of our group went kayaking with Mr. Dole, it was a great exercise and we shared lots of laughs. While we were kayaking the other half of the group had to check out of the hotel. We all agreed that it was very difficult to check out of paradise. L Next we went on yet another snorkel (our last) to Bailey’s Key. While snorkeling we got to feed ginormous grouper and snapper fish and saw multiple schools of fish.  It was an emotional last snorkel as we all boarded the boat for the last time. We peeled off our wet suits, our sunburned skin, and our goggles and headed back ‘home’. When the boat hit the dock we said goodbye to our captain Rupert, and our dive master Calderon.
            After we spent a lot of time packing we went to our last dinner on the fantasy island. This experience has been more than a learning opportunity, it has been a life changing experience. We would like to thank Miss. Palmer, Mrs. Brosnick, Mr. and Mrs. Dole, Jennifer Keck, and our parents for the opportunity of a lifetime. For the last time, with love, this is Samantha Gier and Veronica Richardson saying farewell, and we will see you soon!


  1. David more great pictures of everyone! Another great blog. It sounds like you all squeezed fun into every moment. Twenty-five hours from now you should be arriving in Buffalo at the airport. That handsome smile and a big hug is what I'm looking forward to the most! It was a new experience for me going a week without you, I don't know if I like it. But I think this was something you needed to do. Grandma says hi. I love you & can't wait for tomorrow. Ryan still says he misses you.Tell Garry we said Happy Birthday. Also thank you to he chaperones for keeping my kid safe and giving him the trip of a lifetime!

    Mom, Dad & Ryan

  2. Only one more day until we get to see your smiling faces exiting from the airplane. I know you probably want to stay for another week (or forever) but we miss you too much and can't wait to have you home again. Sounds like the last two days have been as fun filled and adventurous as the others...we are so glad you have been having such a WONDERFUL time! :) You ALL looked gorgeous in your new dresses...all sunshine and smiles. We can't wait to hear all about the dancing and hermit crab races that took place that night. Have a safe ride you are spending your day in the air, we will be on the slopes. Can't wait to see you tomorrow night. Love you bunches Sammi Girl. Love, Mom and Dad :) P.S. Happy Birthday Garry. We hope you enjoyed your day. The picture of you and Cathy on the post today was beautiful. Thank you again to all of the chaperones for making this opportunity available to our kids. I'm sure they will remember it forever...

  3. I LOVED todays pictures! So Cool! 24 hours and you'll all be back with us... I can't wait to see you Beth! I've missed you a bunch! Travel safe tomorrow and we'll be waiting to give you lots and lots of hugs!
    Love, Mom
    PS Thanks again to the Chaperones for making this trip possible. Words cannot express.

  4. Another group of great pictures! Its always difficult when a great vacation comes to an end but we are excited to know you will be coming home tomorrow! We can't wait to see everyone and hear all about the adventure first hand. Have a safe trip home. See you all soon! Love you Jenna.
    Mom and Dad

  5. dear jade, just like you & i discussed before you left, the time would fly. Dad and I and Zak are anxiously awaiting your return. I'm thrilled for you and your travel buddies. The pictures taken will be a reminder of your trip ,even years from now. Its always bittersweet when its time to leave ,but what you did see and experience on your trip are just the beginning. There are so many amazing places all over to visit that we can't even imagine.Will see you soon. Love you. Mom

  6. Becca, All the posts & pictures this week were Amazing. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience for you & I'm so happy for all of you that went on this trip. Well, all things must come to an end but I know you guys will never ever forget this trip & all the great chaperones that made it all possible. If you get to read this before you leave have a safe trip home. We can't wait to see your smiling face & looking forward to all the pictures & stories you have to share. Love, Mom & Al XOXO

  7. Katie, I am glad that you are having fun, enjoying yourself, and learning lots. I can't wait for you to come back and tell me everything!


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