Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday's gone with the wind!

Morning lecture on Invertebrates.

Jenna & Leah 

Waiting for lunch....

Roatan History Museum
Hello United States, Jenna Keppel and Leah Abad here. Well, so far the trip has been unbelievable. We have done so many things in four days that most people don't do in a lifetime. Examples are swimming with dolphins and snorkeling over endangered corals and fish. Today after breakfast and our daily lecture, we went snorkeling at a sight called Blue Channel. We saw some new corals and fish we haven't seen yet, and thank God we didn't see any jellyfish. If you didn't know Jenna is deathly afraid of them. We left early because we were getting sea sick from the harsh waves. After lunch we went into town. It was a new experience because we are all used to little old North Collins. This town had a variety of different stores, people, and transportation. When we returned to Anthony's Key, we decided to learn about Roatan's history in the museum at the resort. Oh yeah David says hi!

P.S. Students are replying to comments on the day of Jellies and Dolphins so please check their replies.


  1. Hi Bean A Boo! Its Dad! Be sure to try all those different foods - you may never get another chance. You can come home with new recipes for me if you find some you like. I hope we get some good underwater pictures of you, dolphins and turtles. Soak in as much of this experience as you can so you can share it with us when you get home. I'm trying to get rid of the snow for you! Miss you lots!
    Love - Dad

  2. dear jade,dad & i are viewing the blog from today. we both think everyone looks so happy & healthy. sorry about the waves on the boat. Im sure thats challenging @ times. i send thank you's to all of the chaperones for your kind words. i thank you for the lifetime gift you've given to all of our children and parents as well.i think the blogs that are being written for are interesting & we truly look forward to reading about your day. thank you.we miss you & love you & we are so glad that you are having such a great time. till tommorow,love you.mom & dad.

  3. So happy to get a message and to see pictures!!! Molly I said 'thank God she is not sunburned but she looks like it is very hot'. Brenda and family are checking out the blog. Looks beautiful there and we are all jealous. Have a great time Molly, you worked hard to get there. We love you. Mom and Ryan
    We cant wait to hear about your adventures.

  4. Hey Ian;
    Looks and sounds like you are all having a great time. I am so anxious to see the pics and hear all about your adventures. Hope you are enjoying every minute and trying new things. I'll bet you love the different foods. I miss you. Love Mom

  5. Nice blog Jenna and Leah- We are all so glad to hear about your adventures. I'm sorry the weather isn't cooperating but as I look out the window its a blizzard so at least you're not dealing with that. We miss you and keep those pictures coming! Hurry home Jared is starting to complain about doing your chores!
    Love you!
    Mom and Dad

  6. Hello NCMBC! How are the sunrises and sunsets?? Pictures of the food?? Pictures of where you live?? Glad to hear the weather is good and you are absorbing everything!! :) House

  7. Veronica, You look great and happy in all the pictures. Enjoy this time and stay safe. Bet you are looking forward to the horseback riding. Love you, your God family Ellen and Ryan

  8. Hey Beth, Jade, Becca, and Ian
    Miss you guys. Looks like you are having so much fun. Wish I was there with you. Please make sure you bring lots of pictures to the next D&D game day!
    Love you all have a great time.
    D&D when you get back?? I hope so
    Love Dylan's Mom

  9. Sammi,
    Loved to see your picture...I was beginning to think you may have wandered off (but I know the chaperones wouldn't never let that happen). Sorry to hear your hair is not cooperating with the weather but tell Vern (my ambulance buddy) thanks for making it look 'purdy' (as I can see from the picture). I'm so anxious to hear about everything and see some pictures of everything that has been talked about on the blog. Hopefully your journal is filling up quickly. Be safe...Be smart...Love you much (my beloved)...Love, Mom, Dad, and Nick :)

  10. Dear Becca, I'm starting to get anxious for you to come back home. Although I know your not because it seems like all of you are having the time of your lives right now to even think about coming back. I was just thinking yesterday that I won't have you here to help me do things for Easter dinner like help me color eggs & everyone wants your Delicious Eclair Cake Dessert (I guess I will have to make it...hahahaha!) but it won't be the same. Can't wait to talk about all you have seen & done when you get back that I will probably keep you up all night just talking away. You know how I am...lol!!!! Well I hope you have another Wonderful & Adventure filled day! Love You Lots & Missing You Terribly...Mom & Al XOXOXOXO PS. Don't forget to make sure that you get alot of pictures of each other & not all just fish & dolphins...because we know how you like to take pictures. Remember your girl scout trip??? LOL!!!

  11. Hey Everyone! The pictures are wonderful and all of you look great. Leah we love the picture of you and the dolphin! Where's Mom though? Can't wait to see all the photos you are taking. See you soon and have a safe trip. Mrs. Eder & Ms. G in NC Pre-K

  12. David I'm glad to see you awake during your morning lecture, I know how you love getting up early! Everything looks just beautiful. I'm looking forward to your blog with Ian whenever that may be. I hope you are enjoying everything that you are experiencing. Hopefully you will like horseback riding too. I just want to let you know Carrie Underwood was awesome!! I know my adventure wasn't as exciting as everything you are doing but it's something. Ryan is missing his big brother and I'm missing my mini me. See you soon. Love you.


  13. RF,
    Let's face it, I am so alone without you. I can't handle it anymore!!! You better come home. Bekah and I are having loads of fun without you, but of course we miss you. :) It is snowing here... again, while you are probably enjoying the sun and getting tan. I miss you so much.
    Love always,

  14. Katie, it is such fun to read the blog and see pictures every day and to know that you are having such a wonderful time (thanks for the reply!). Tonight is choir (we'll miss you and Kathy!!!) and then set up for Maundy Thursday service (we'll miss you, Garry :)). Bekah wants to go shopping tomorrow (I know, you wish you could come with us--we're bringing Jess instead). Love you oodles! Mom
    P.S. Library is closed tomorrow and Friday...I'll do my best to get online.

  15. Hi Ian,Loving the pictures and updates. I cant believe the color and clarity of the water. Amazing! What an adventure. I hope you and the MBC gang are savoring every minute. All that seafood must be awesome as well. Cant wait to hear more and see pics when you return.
    Be safe and have fun!
    Love Ian's dad, Barry

  16. Hi Shannon!

    I miss you! Nikki said she misses you. Josh misses you. Shadow misses you. It is for sure that Najwa will be your sister! Jacob and C are converting the computer room into a bedroom.

    Beth, will you check in on my furry guys when you return?

    Take care and enjoy your time!

    Mom :)

  17. Aurora, How is everything going? I like the surroundings and beautiful plants and fish. Grandma and I miss you a lot and will see you for Easter. Love, grandma Diane and grandpa Frank.


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